On 2011-03-15, at 18:28 , james woodyatt wrote:

> Were RFC 4429 and I-D.ietf-6man-dad-proxy among the documents you read over 
> the weekend?

I only read the introduction and problem statement of RFC 4429 and neither 
seemed to address my concerns, thus I skipped the rest. I just browsed through 
it a bit and I still fail to see that it addresses my concern; the fact that it 
mentions that the likeliness of a collision is tiny in practice is certainly 
good, but making a tiny change to existing RFCs to make it impossible will 
always be better IMHO.

I have not heard of I-D.ietf-6man-dad-proxy so far, so I just browsed over this 
one as well, however despite the fact that it is a draft, may never leave draft 
status, may not be implemented for years even if it will ever leave draft 
status, it does not seem to address my concerns either, but rather a problem 
related to the limited propagation of DAD traffic (this is for sure also a 
problem, but not in my scenario).

Maybe I was not able to express my concerns appropriately, after all I tried to 
express them as abstract as possible. Maybe I can explain them better if I try 
to explain them by example. Let's take the LAN network of a tiny company, for 
simplicity we assume that the WLAN network and the LAN network are bridged to 
make automatic device discovery work out of the box. This may not be a wise 
setup from a security perspective but I have seen such a setup far too often in 
my life to call it unrealistic. In such a network we will have four kind of 

1) Static servers (e.g. a DNS server, a file server, a mail server, ...) and 
comparable devices (e.g. network printers). Those devices will usually have a 
static manual assigned IP address, since this simplifies hardware replacement 
and DNS management, as you usually want to have DNS entries for all of these 

2) Static workstations, desktop computers that are permanently connected to the 
network and never leave the building. However those hosts are not turned on 24 
hours a day, they are only running when they are in use, so from a network 
perspective they might come and go several times a day. Those hosts are "well 
known" and thus usually shall have a well known IP address and a DNS entry. To 
simplify administration they will receive their addresses via DHCP, that means 
a specific IP address has been reserved for each of them within the available 
address pools and they will always receive the same IP address each time they 
are turned back on and have to renew their previous lease. This way all 
management happens within central places: the DHCP and the DNS server.

3) Mobile workstations, notebooks that can also leave the building. Those are 
exactly like hosts of type (2), they might just join and leave the network more 
often, but anything I wrote for type (2) applies to them as well. They are also 
well known and thus their addresses are managed via DHCP.

4) Mobile devices, e.g. mobile phones or tablet devices. These devices are not 
necessarily well known and since they usually won't offer any important 
services to other hosts, it is not necessary that they have a static IP address 
or a DNS entry. For those devices it is sufficient and acceptable to create 
addresses via stateless address configuration. Some of these devices may not 
even support DHCPv6, since DHCPv6 is not widely supported at the moment (so far 
I have not seen DHCPv6 support in any MacOS X version for example), while any 
device with IPv6 support seems to also support stateless auto configuration.

If we ignore the existence of the privacy extension, I claim that the scheme 
above will be collision free. Devices of type (4) can only collide if global 
unique MAC addresses are manually overwritten or a vendor makes a mistake and 
accidentally reuses MAC addresses. DHCP and manual addresses will be selected 
appropriately to avoid collisions by network administrators and I fail to see 
how stateless addresses of devices of type (4) should ever collide with DHCP or 
manual addresses, if those will have up to 6 zero bytes in front, which is 
usually what admins want in the first place.

However, there is no way you can prevent devices of type (4) to use the privacy 
extension for stateless configuration, which would be no concert in general, if 
those addresses could never conflict with any other addresses mentioned 
above... but they can. The address might match exactly one of the reserved DHCP 
addresses and since the device of type (2) or (3) - lets name it DevX - might 
either be turned off or otherwise currently not connected to the network, DAD 
will not show any conflict. When DevX comes back while the temporary address is 
still in use, it will not be able to take the address that it is supposed to 
have and that will be offered to it by DHCP (if it even will be offered at all).

If you suggest that this is no problem, after all DevX will detect the conflict 
via DAD and can simply pick another address by any other means, you are not 
solving the problem. DevX is supposed to have its reserved DHCP address and the 
DNS entry for it is supposed to point to exactly this device. The offending 
device should have never been allowed to pick the conflicting address in the 
first place. This whole situation would have easily been avoidable by 
tightening the constrains of what qualifies as a legal temporary IPv6 address 
and what not.

Further when reading your mail, I got the impression that you are trying to add 
in security aspects to the mix, but I'm really not talking about security 
aspects. That a malicious attacker might intentionally configure one of the 
DHCP addresses manually to "take the place" of a workstation while this 
workstation is being away of the network was never part of my concern. This is 
a different scenario. My mail was never about protecting against an attack 
scenario where a host "steals" an IP  address of another host, but only about 
the fact that an device may "accidentally" steal it, without the device or its 
owner ever intending to do so.

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