Thomas Narten <> wrote:
> What is *required* is that the hash function (or whatever function
> that is used) on the router maps the tuples in a *uniform* way across
> the range of possible outputs.
> If you have 10 links, and all your Flow Labels are clustered around
> low ten values, but in an approximately uniform way, a simple modulo
> hash will get you the kind of distribution you need.
> The range of values of the flow label itself does not need to be
> uniformly distributed.

   I'm strongly in favor of stating the requirement this way (though
perhaps more wordsmithing can make it even better).

   AFAICT, this is our actual concern -- that an Equal Cost Multipath
router can do a simple hash function to distribute flows across multiple
links without endangering in-order delivery of the individual flows
identified in the Flow Label.

   (I'd also like a statement to that effect, or whatever it is we
actually mean to accomplish.)

> If that is a requirement, I'd like to see the justification, not just
> hand waiving.

   Me too.

John Leslie <>
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