Hi again Ran,

On 2011-05-10 01:10, RJ Atkinson wrote:
> On 08  May 2011, at 19:47 , Brian E Carpenter wrote:
>> But it's really playing with words to assert that a firewall which
>> chooses to overwrite the field is "supporting" it in the sense
>> intended by the phrase "Hosts or routers that do not support the
>> functions of the Flow Label field...".
> It is not playing with words.  Those security gateways normally
> are also routers, using the formal IPv6 definition of a router, 
> often participate in routing protocols (e.g. eBGP in the case
> of multi-homed uplinks from an end-site; OSPF or RIP within an
> end -site) as routers, and often use the Flow Label value as input 
> to their forwarding decisions.

Really? There are routers today that look at the flow label?

>> The technical issue is that load balancing based on flow label values
>> won't work properly if middleboxes (or attackers) change the values
>> arbitrarily.
> As near as I can tell, everyone here agrees on the objective of
> enabling the Flow Label to be useful for load-balancing.
> As my note of a few moments ago suggested, there is a way to address
> both the operational security concerns and the load-balancing objectives.
> Rather than repeat myself, I'll just refer back to that note.


>> Thomas has argued that if the label MUST NOT be changed, we should
>> remove any suggestion of cases in which it's OK to change it. Followed
>> to its logical conclusion, that means it's not OK for a firewall to
>> change it.
> The crux of his concern seems to be that the current text tries 
> to have things both ways, which ambiguity is long-standing, 
> as I noted in my weekend email.  
> I hope, perhaps overly optimistically, that the formula I proposed
> in my note of a few moments ago will find middle ground that most
> folks find acceptable.

As I just commented, we seem to be squaring the circle and the authors
need to be told what the WG consensus is...

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