Wary of Islam, China Tightens a Vise of Rules
KHOTAN, China — The grand mosque that draws thousands of Muslims each week in 
this oasis town has all the usual trappings of piety: dusty wool carpets on 
which to kneel in prayer, a row of turbans and skullcaps for men without 
headwear, a wall niche facing the holy city of Mecca in the Arabian desert.

But large signs posted by the front door list edicts that are more Communist 
Party decrees than Koranic doctrines.

The imam’s sermon at Friday Prayer must run no longer than a half-hour, the 
rules say. Prayer in public areas outside the mosque is forbidden. Residents of 
Khotan are not allowed to worship at mosques outside of town.

One rule on the wall says that government workers and nonreligious people may 
not be “forced” to attend services at the mosque — a generous wording of a law 
that prohibits government workers and Communist Party members from going at all.

“Of course this makes people angry,” said a teacher in the mosque courtyard, 
who would give only a partial name, Muhammad, for fear of government 
retribution. “Excitable people think the government is wrong in what it does. 
They say that government officials who are Muslims should also be allowed to 

To be a practicing Muslim in the vast autonomous region of northwestern China 
called Xinjiang is to live under an intricate series of laws and regulations 
intended to control the spread and practice of Islam, the predominant religion 
among the Uighurs, a Turkic people uneasy with Chinese rule.

The edicts touch on every facet of a Muslim’s way of life. Official versions of 
the Koran are the only legal ones. Imams may not teach the Koran in private, 
and studying Arabic is allowed only at special government schools.

Two of Islam’s five pillars — the sacred fasting month of Ramadan and the 
pilgrimage to Mecca called the hajj — are also carefully controlled. Students 
and government workers are compelled to eat during

Ramadan, and the passports of Uighurs have been confiscated across Xinjiang to 
force them to join government-run hajj tours rather than travel illegally to 
Mecca on their own.

Government workers are not permitted to practice Islam, which means the 
slightest sign of devotion, a head scarf on a woman, for example, could lead to 
a firing

 New York Times
October 19, 2008

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