On Wed, 03/21/12 5:17 PM, Tomasz Sterna wrote:
Dnia 2012-03-21, śro o godzinie 10:38 -0600, Stephen Mahood pisze:
a central server to run the software, but
to have multiple VPN having the ability to create jabber accounts
specific to their address (virtual hosting) but the other thing we
want to restrict the creating of accounts to the local mysql for the
virtual hosted site. Is that feasible with jabberd2.x?
Of course it is. It always was. :-)

What you need is to:
1. configure several domains in c2s.xml - local/id sections
2. configure sm.xml for every domain and launch sm instance

At least how it is used to be.
Since 2.1.16 you don't have to do 1, as you may configure one "default"
local/id entry in c2s.xml[1], which will be used if there is no specific
id for a domain.
Since 2.2.9 jabberd2 is able to support many domains in one SM process,
so you may run just one sm instance holding all your domains, similarly
by configuring several local/id sections in sm.xml[2].

To lock account creation, setup local/id section in c2s.xml to not
include register-enable attribute. You will then need to create the
users "manually" in DB.
See section 5.5 of the InstallGuide[3].
It may be feasible to add password-change attribute then, to allow
existing users to change password.

P.S. If anyone volunteers to fix the documentation, I will be more than
happy. :-)
[1] https://github.com/Jabberd2/jabberd2/blob/master/etc/c2s.xml.dist.in
[2] https://github.com/Jabberd2/jabberd2/blob/master/etc/sm.xml.dist.in

D'oh! That would have been _so_ much easier than what I did. I used this tutorial as a guide http://www.jms1.net/jabberd2/ ... and it was a real pain modifying my init.d script to start multiple sm instances. I use a custom authreg plugin for authentication that uses the same auth database as the rest of my website so that isn't an issue... (shameless plug) lavabit.com. This came up because we provide email service for personal domains and a couple of users emailed in asking if we can provide XMPP support as well...

While I have your attention, I noticed the link to the ChangeLog at http://codex.xiaoka.com/wiki/jabberd2:start uses the wrong Github account. Its pointed at smokku instead of jabberd2...

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