Remy Maucherat wrote:
> > "Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:
> > >
> > > In accordance with the guidelines of the Jakarta Commons subproject, I
> > > would like to propose a "Bean Utilities" component to be hosted in the
> > > Commons repository.  The original code comes from Struts, but is
> > > generally useful for dynamic manipulation of JavaBeans properties, and
> > > has no dependencies on any other Struts code.  The code will be
> > > initially entered in an "unreleased" state until the remainder of the
> > > JUnit tests (and some install/user guide docs) are completed.  However,
> > > because the code exists and works, I prefer to skip the stage of going
> > > through the "sandbox" for the short amount of time needed to complete
> > > these tasks and release the component on its own.
> > >
> > > The attached ZIP file contains a PROPOSAL.html document that provides
> > > more details about the proposal, plus the original code that is being
> > > proposed for check in.  The initial committers for this component will
> > > be myself and Geir Magnusson.
> > >
> > > The committers on the Commons subproject (as a whole) are eligible to
> > > vote on whether they feel the proposed component fits the charter that
> > > we agreed upon.  Comments?  Votes?
> >
> >
> > +1
> What are you voting on ? (I still didn't see any proposal.html anywhere)


Well, true. To be frank, I am really tired, so I lobbed off the +1, and
then opened the zip...

I figured it was something that craig had mentioned to me earlier.  But
you are indeed correct - I haven't seen it.  As a matter of fact, his
followup didn't seem to contain anything as well...

So, I retract the +1 until Craig proves he can zip something up *and*
attach it. :)


Geir Magnusson Jr.                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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