Title: Access to HttpServletRequest.getInputStream() in Cactus
Hi Guys,
           I am trying to unit-test my individual classes using cactus. I am using struts 1.0 beta . I mapped each jsp page to an Action class. What i want to do is set the values of the ActionForms from the html (jsp) page and when i submit the info, the corresponding ActionTest class kicks in and i get a result back stating whether the test is a success or a failure. Does cactus support this kinf of testing ?
The reson for my question is.. if i take the Login scenario as an example........ I can have a valid login (or) invalid login. Right now i have hardcoded the login and password when unit testing the LoginAction. I am using the ServletRedirector. When we go live, this hardcoded values will not exist anymore. So if any changes are made in the future, the test cases will fail. I was thinking of using the JspRedirector for having an interactive testing (where the login and password are entered at runtime). Is it possible. any code/suggestions will be helpful.

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