On May 11, 2001 at 21:29, Peter Donald wrote:

> At 11:14  11/5/01 +0200, Wolfgang Hoschek wrote:
> >GPL'd jdring-1.3.1 is a small, efficient & useful package. See 
> >http://webtools.dyade.fr/jdring/.
> > From the doc:
> Theres the problem there - it is GPL - and thus incompatible with Apache
> software and almost all java libraries ;(

Actually, it looks like is distributed under the LGPL, but the docs
state some included utilties are GPL'ed, but the documentation does
not say which ones are.

If the work looks like it is useful for jakarta-commons, it cannot hurt
to contact the author(s) of jdring to see if they can, and are willing,
relicense it under the Apache license.


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