From: "Incze Lajos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sun, Jul 29, 2001 at 09:18:04PM +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:
> > On Sunday, July 29, 2001, at 07:02 PM, Scott Sanders wrote:
> >
> > > Bring it on!
> >
> > the way that matching rules work at the moment are a concern to me.
> > (maybe i don't understand then well enough - or maybe they need
> >   i'm going to write as if i understand them but i'm sure you'll set me
> > right where i don't)
> >
> > the current way that matching rules work means that the number of rules
> > required rises almost exponentially for complex schema.
> >
> > you can only wildcard prefixes (*/a but not a/*). this means that you
> > up having a rule for every child for a parent that adds child in a
> ... etc. Ithink that in digester it would be a good idea to change the
> JSP-ish matching rules to XPATH expressions.

I agree - though I also agree with Craigs concerns that digester is small
and lightweight and built on top of SAX so dom4j/JDOM/XPath might be too

Maybe we can introduce some simple XPath features to the matching of
digester. e.g.


means match the name attribute of element a, like this

    <foo name="James">

This would be useful when properties are in attributes rather than elements.

Similarly for recursive structures the path


would match all bar elements that are children of foo. Is this equivalent to
*/foo/bar in digester right now?
Though this could be used inside a path like this...


which is similar to *foo*bar in current digester pattern matching.

Another idea borrowed from XPath could be the absolute / relative paths.
Anything starting with "/" is denoted an absolute path (rather like in file
systems) and so begins at the start of the document, whereas everything else
starts at the current context.

If working on a 'big model' you could end up with lots of long paths...


if there were some way to define a 'context' then we could use relative


Context context = new Context( digester, "/a/b/c/d/e" );

context.addObjectCreate( "f", ... );
context.addCallMethod( "f/bar", ... );

Its syntax sugar but it would allow the same set of rules to be used on
different 'contexts' if ever the document structure changes and can make
long paths easier to manage.

> At the same time digester
> could use JDOM or DOM4J (they have esstially the same XPATH engine).

FWIW they will shortly share *exactly* the same XPath engine. The new Jaxen
project ( is making excellent progress. Its an XPath engine
which can be bound to any tree model, whether dom4j, JDOM, EXML or DOM.
Hopefully one day soon it will support java beans as well. Currently Jaxen
completely supports dom4j and DOM and has nearly complete support for JDOM
and EXML.

> XPATH was designed to walk through an XML graph, so you can express
> as complex or as simple rules as you want. both JDOM and DOM4j gives
> you a pretty convenient (I mean collections) interface to the
> document. Comments?

I also share your appreciation of XPath (particularly being founder dom4j
and cofounder of Jaxen ;-) though parsing a document via dom4j or JDOM then
performing XPath expressions on it to figure out which Java Bean objects to
construct may be a little too much for what digester is intended to b. I
guess it all depends on the complexity of the mapping from XML to beans. If
its fairly simple, then digester rocks as is. If its very complex then XPath
comes into its own.


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