On Thu, 23 Aug 2001 19:13, Stephane Bailliez wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Peter Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> >
> > Theres already a common standard for this in JDK1.2+.
> > Basically have a look
> > at Package versioning in jdk1.2 docs or Optional Extension
> > Versioning in
> > jdk1.3 docs. It does not have all the features but it has a
> Agreed, but the description in the documentation always seemed obscure to
> me and it obviouslly seems as obscure to Sun since it is rarely (if not
> never) done in their own jar libraries.

yep - it definetly curls your hair. The only way I understood it was looking 
at Craigs code ;)

> > lot of them.
> > Anyways I am currently implementing/stealing loaders and
> > parsers etc for all
> > this stuff for a project I am working on so feel free to ask
> > for code if you go this path ;)
> Which project ?

an unreleased virtual reality/environment simulator ;) However the code will 
gradually migrate into the Avalon project. It may take a while as I am trying 
to only put well tested code into Avalon. Theres three classes 
(Extension/ExtensionUtil/ExtensionManager) currently sitting in


However most of this was derived from Tomcat4/Catalinas classloading code. 
Avalons is basically a generic version of TC4 that doesn't suffer from 
beanitis ;) That can be found in "loader" package of catalina project IIRC.



* "Faced with the choice between changing one's mind, *
* and proving that there is no need to do so - almost *
* everyone gets busy on the proof."                   *
*              - John Kenneth Galbraith               *

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