
first of all I really love your definition of the "karma" levels. If
you don't have any copyright on it (in these patent-troll times you
can never know) I'd like to use it to explain why a developer should
try to move to the next level in his karma.

I admit that my usual mistake is to think that people who chose our
job did it for passion and not only just to bring the salary at home.
Sadly you're right when you say that is not true for the biggest part
of developers.

Said that, I don't agree on the fact that a developer cannot come
along in the ladder of his karma-level. If that was true it meant that
experience doesn't count that much and then should be pretty useless
to hire a more experienced programmer. You wrote that the developers
employed by your customer are currently at karma-level-5. You are
showing them how to work at karma-level-4 and your customer has been
very happy of that because he realized how much this level is more
effective and productive than the higher one. I then suppose that both
you and your customer see a potentially big ROI in pushing the
development team to work at the level you showed. At the beginning
that could leave the developers disoriented, but I guess we all agree
it could pay in the long-term.

You also "could be" convinced that Scala is in a lower karma-level
than Java. So I believe the same applies for this further level-jump
either: moving from Java to Scala could bring your development team to
the next karma-level and then, in the long-term, increase its
effectiveness and productivity. Don't you see a ROI in that?

One last word about the supposed higher complexity of Scala. I admit
that the biggest part of the experienced Java developers found it too
difficult to grasp. But still I think they just confuse complexity
with unfamiliarity. Last december I did a 3 lessons course on Scala at
Università Statale of Milan and in february i repeated the same course
at University of Padua. In both cases there was a low percentage of
people who already knew Java and in both cases I saw that the students
really appreciated the features of the language. I guess that if I
then showed them the equivalent Java code they could find it more
complex than the Scala one. Now I am doing the same experience at work
here in Berlin: I am teaching Scala to a guy who never worked in Java
before and it's impressive how fast he is learning and how productive
he already is.

To conclude, I think that Scala could allow you to work with an higher
level of productivity and this doesn't come at cost of an higher
complexity provided that your coworkers are eager to improve they
skills ... or more easily that they never worked with Java before :)


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