Hi Vicki,

 1. While in Outlook Express press Insert + V for Jaws options.
2. Press the letter " F" until you land on " Focus loss announcement".
3. If this is off, press the space bar to turn it on, then press enter to 
get out of Jaws options.  This is what I did to stop Jaws from saying 100% 
every time I arrowed to a different folder.  Hope this helps.  Take care.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Vicki
  To: JAW'S Users
  Sent: Saturday, October 24, 2009 2:30 AM
  Subject: [JAWS-Users] JAWS 11 & OE reading percentages

  Sorry if this was discussed earlier and I missed it. I've just installed
  JAWS 11, and when I'm in Outlook Express, it reads the name of my filters,
  but after each filter with either read or unread messages in it, it will 
  the name of the filter and then say 100%. If there are unread messages, it
  will read name of filter, 100% and then how many messages are unread in 
  filter. It will not read the percentages if the filter is completely 
  How can I get it to stop saying the 100%? I've looked through the OE
  configuration manager, but I'm not sure what to change since it's somewhat
  different than JAWS 9. Thanks.


  O Morning, how hast thou grabbed me.
  --- An Fear As Kilshanny

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