
As others have indicated, there is the matter of whether you have cookies turned on or not, and that does have a bearing on your results from Google. if you have a GMail account and sign into GMail on the Web, as many blind people do, or if you are a googlegroup owner, as some blind folk are, that also does alter your Google experience. Indeed, you begin to see why Google 'recommend' Chrome. Google Chrome works quite well with JAWS14, and i have used both. Firefox however - as i have previously indicated - offers better keyboard support overall than Chrome, and I have compared both. So that blind users of Chrome might find, upon more familiarlity with Firefox (which is still quite like Internet Explorer) that, if they used Firefox instead, their experience with FF may be more rewarding than what they get with Chrome. Lower versions of JAWS do not support Chrome.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Scorpio" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2013 2:31 AM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Unable to Change Google Search Settings

Hi Flor,

I won't play semantics with you.

The fact is, you said that Google says you should install Chrome for the best results. Well, that's been the case with every software developer in the known world.

Mozilla says you should install their browser because it's open source and not as restrictive as other browsers.

Apple says you should install Safari for a wonderful browsing experience.

Before these, you had the turf war between Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

Regardless of what internet turf war your referring to, the fact is the same, the webpage does not change.

I've never experienced that which you describe with Google telling me I should install Chrome, nor have they ever suggested that it would be a far better experience.

I have never used any other Google page but the one I use now, and I have always signed in to have my preferences loaded.

In any case, I still maintain that this is a computer specific problem, and has nothing to do with Google, or the Internet.

I have a multitude of friends running Windows XP, Internet Explorer 8, and lower versions of Jaws, and they manage just fine, including myself, as I believe I mentioned in my previous message that I was using Jaws on all three systems running all three platforms. I have also pasted the message you wrote where I inferred my original statement, lest there be any confusion.

I should also mention that there are many blind people who use Chrome instead of Internet Explorer or any other browser just fine and without any problem.


***Original Message***

From: "Flor Lynch" <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Unable to Change Google Search Settings
Date: Friday, September 06, 2013 10:38 AM

Google want you to download & install their own browser, Chrome. Firefox
is like it and, for several of our purposes, replicates Chrome nearly
and more accessibly, as well as having better keyboard support for

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gerald Levy" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 1:32 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Unable to Change Google Search Settings

Hi listers. Using IE 8 with XP and JAWS 9, I discovered this morning that has apparently changed its home page yet again, and now I am unable to change my preferences on the search settings page. There seems to be no way to turn Google Instant on or off like there used to be, nor is there any apparent way to change the number of results per page from the default value of 10. And I could not find any button to save the search preferences. I tried with the virtual PC cursor on and off (Insert Z), but nothing seems to work. I was last able to successfully change my search settings a few days ago. I think I heard a brief message that my browser was outdated and no longer supported or something like that, which , of course is nonsense, because IE 8 is the latest bersion supported by XP. Does anyone have any idea what's going on with Google? Are they conspiring with MS to force us to upgrade to Windows 8? Is there any way to change the number of results per page and insure that Google Instant is turned off, short of switching to Firefox, which I despise and use only for its Webvisum function? Thanks.


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