Transaction problem

I'm updating  in bach thousands  of independent records.
in a sheduled  Seam batch process

I do not want the overhead to  start and stop a session for every individual 
so I prefere  the sequence 

  |     /hibernate  factory creation
  |     /get  entity manager - session
  |     loop
  |          begin transaction
  |          if  error   ----- something is  wrong in  my setup
  |          ....
  |          process  the transaction
  |          if   error  ----- role back this transaction but CONTINUE the loop
  |          else 
  |              flush transactiom
  |                 if   error  ----- role back this transaction but CONTINUE 
the loop
  |                 else  Comit the transaction and hope it seen in the 
database right away
  |          check for more work to do (often wait for predetermened externam 
messages (response time 1-2 sec but sometines  connection problems
  |          if connection problem   abort the proces and try  the whole lot 
somewhat later
  |     endloop
    this process runs into many  problems:
    I use seam  quarts as sheduler  (works ok)
     problem 1:   I do not see any updates  during the loop (as  if the  flush 
doesn't work)
     problem 2:   as any rollback occurs,  the  process is dead and I can not 
recover any information any more 
                  implicitely I lose the  whole  process.
                  the rollback rolls-back the  full loop.
     problem  3:   i run into session timeouts after exactly 5  minutes and so 
                   lose  the transaction at times 
                   hereby  losing everything 
    using seam  i switched of Seam transaction controll / but i still suspect 
    there is a hidden Seam transaction covering all the loops transaction
                        -problem 1   and  problem 2 
    as documented  I needed to shitch off  seam transaction management
    transaction-management-enabled="false" in components.xml

  | ?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <components xmlns="";
  |             xmlns:core="";
  |             xmlns:persistence="";
  |             xmlns:drools="";
  |             xmlns:async="";
  |             xmlns:bpm="";
  |             xmlns:security="";
  |             xmlns:mail="";
  |             xmlns:xsi="";
  |             xsi:schemaLocation=
  |                 " 
  |        ";>
  |        <!--     transaction mangement  jpa  manual    <core:init 
debug="@debug@" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@"  />-->
  |    <core:init debug="@debug@" jndi-pattern="@jndiPattern@"  
transaction-management-enabled="false" />
  |                   conversation-timeout="12000000"    -->     
  |    <core:manager concurrent-request-timeout="5000000" 
  |                  conversation-timeout="200000000" 
  |                  conversation-id-parameter="cid"/>
  |    <persistence:managed-persistence-context name="entityManager"
  |                                      auto-create="true"
  |    <drools:rule-base name="securityRules">
  |        <drools:rule-files>
  |            <value>/security.drl</value>
  |        </drools:rule-files>
  |    </drools:rule-base>
  |    <security:identity authenticate-method="#{authenticator.authenticate}"
  |                            security-rules="#{securityRules}"/>
  |    <event type="org.jboss.seam.notLoggedIn">
  |        <action execute="#{redirect.captureCurrentView}"/>
  |    </event>
  |    <event type="org.jboss.seam.postAuthenticate">
  |        <action execute="#{redirect.returnToCapturedView}"/>
  |    </event>
  |    ...

  i use  JTA   and create  a delegate session    sesson=em.delegate

  |     /hibernate  factory creation  (allow seam  use the  JTA EM injection)
  |     Session ses=ses=(Session) em.getDelegate();//get  the session/get  
entity manager - session
  |     @transaction
  |     class....
  |     loop
  |          if (ses!=null)   txn=ses.beginTransaction();//begin transaction
  |          if  error   ----- something is  wrong in  my setup
  |          ....
  |          process  the transaction
  |          if   error  ----- catch (Exception er) 
  |           ****                 String errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() 
+" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  |                                     if 
  |                                                log.error(env+" nullpointer 
exception failed "+ errmsg,er);
  |                                     else log.error(env+" begin transaction 
error "+ errmsg);
  |                                     try {//rollback cover 
  |                                                  if (ses!=null)   
  |                                             } catch (Exception erx) 
  |                                                  {errcod=erx;
  |                                                   String 
erxmsg=erx.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ erx.getMessage();
  |                                                   log.error(env+" Rollback 
transaction failed "+ erxmsg +" From "+ errmsg);
  |                                                          }
  |                                                             }               
  |          else 
  |              if (ses!=null)   ses.flush();//flush transactiom
  |              if   error  -----catch (Exception er) 
  |                                         String 
errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  |                                     if 
  |                                                log.error(env+" nullpointer 
exception failed "+ errmsg,er);
  |                                     else log.error(env+" flush error "+ 
  |                                     try {//rollback cover 
  |                                                  if (ses!=null)   
  |                                             } catch (Exception erx) 
  |                                                  {errcod=erx;
  |                                                   String 
erxmsg=erx.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ erx.getMessage();
  |                                                   log.error(env+" Rollback 
transaction failed "+ erxmsg +" From "+ errmsg);
  |                                                          }
  |                                                             }               
  |                else  if (ses!=null)   txn.commit();//Comit the transaction 
and hope it seen in the database right away
  |                if   error  -----    catch (Exception er) 
  |                                         String 
errmsg=er.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ er.getMessage();
  |                                     if 
  |                                                log.error(env+" nullpointer 
exception failed "+ errmsg,er);
  |                                     else log.error(env+" comit error "+ 
  |                                     try {//rollback cover 
  |                                                  if (ses!=null)   
  |                                             } catch (Exception erx) 
  |                                                  {errcod=erx;
  |                                                   String 
erxmsg=erx.getClass().getSimpleName() +" err: "+ erx.getMessage();
  |                                                   log.error(env+" Rollback 
transaction failed "+ erxmsg +" From "+ errmsg);
  |                                                          }
  |                                                             }               
  |          check for more work to do (often wait for predetermened externam 
messages (response time 1-2 sec but sometines  connection problems
  |          if connection problem   abort the proces and try  the whole lot 
somewhat later
  |     endloop
    although  the error is probably  created by a session timeout.
    i have no idea how to change  the session timeout    to more then 5 minutes 

  | Transaction is not active: tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: 
a0000c8:453:478ddaee:209 status: ActionStatus.ABORTING >; - nested throwable: 
(javax.resource.ResourceException: Transaction is not active: 
tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a0000c8:453:478ddaee:209 status: 
ActionStatus.ABORTING >)
        1-Why am I not effectifely  deacivating (Seam transaction intervention 
         should be  handled  since  modif  of  components.xml
         -DB  not visualy updated by  the  Flush 
         2-As a problem of any  kind occurs I roll back the last transaction
           why is it rolling back the  full loop ( dependent on question 1 ?)
         3-how do I handle  the time out 
All help is welcome 


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