Hi Arjan, having battled with Conditions recently I'd like to add my 2 cents' 
worth that the reason why your original transition/[EMAIL PROTECTED] wasn't 
evaluated looks to be a bug in org.jbpm.jpdl.xml.JpdlXmlReader in 
resolveTransitionDestination() (l 805 of my version of 3.2beta2). It tries to 
get the expression from the text of  element - if null it then goes to try to 
get it from the expression attribute. Only trouble is the text is returned from 
getTextTrim() as "" rather than null so you never get to look at the attribute. 
This is of course what you found (by putting the expression as the text of  
rather than as an attribute). But changing l 805 to test for "" as well as null 
then allows either format...

  | if ( null == condition || condition.length() == 0) {
  |     //....
It ought to be a bug but I can't currently get the src from cvs to see if it's 
been corrected. Is cvs still there? (I noted your comment above about wrong cvs 

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