At 05:16 PM 6/12/2001 +0300, Remus Pereni wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 01:23:16AM -0400, Paul Kinnucan wrote:
> >
> >I don't know. JDE 2.2.7 itself references deactivate-mark only once and
> >does so only when running Emacs. Perhaps you are loading an old copy of the
> >JDE, for example, the   obsolete version that comes with XEmacs, that
> >references deactivate-mark unconditionally.
>I removed the default JDE, eieio, semantic from the XEmacs and I
>installed the most recent version (except for eieio) as specified in
>the Release Note.
>So the actual versions are:
>     eieio (0.16)
>     semantic (1.4b6)
>     elib (1.0)
>     speedbar (0.13)
>     jde (
>     XEmacs (21.1.14)
> >
> >It would really help if you posted the complete backtrace so that one could
> >see exactly who is referencing this variable.
>I don't really have idea how to do that, but I found a buffer called
>Backtrace. That is the first error message
>I get in case I try to use any template.
>Signaling: (void-variable mark-active)
>   tempo-insert-template(tempo-template-println\ statement nil)
>   jde-gen-println(nil)
>   call-interactively(jde-gen-println)

This indicates that XEmacs is loading and using a version of tempo intended 
for Emacs. Check your load-path to make sure that you are loading the 
correct, i.e,, XEmacs version of tempo.

- Paul

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