JDE 2.2.9beta1

*                         PLEASE READ                         *
*                                                             *
* This release requires semantic 1.4beta10 (or later),        *
* speedbar 0.13 (or later), and eieio-0.16 (or later,         *
* except eieio-0.17beta1). You can obtain all three           *
* packages at                    *
*                                                             *
* This release requires version 1.2.2 (or later) of the       *
* JDK.                                                        *
*                                                             *
* Note: This release does not work with eieio-0.17beta1, but  *
* it does work with eieio-0.17beta2.                          *
*                                                             *
* This release also requires avltree.el, which is part of the *
* elib 1.0 package. You can obtain elib at the JDE web site   *
* in compressed tar (       *
* or zip ( format.             *
*                                                             *
* JDEbug runs on Windows 2000 only if Service Pack 2 (or      *
* later) is installed.                                        *
*                                                             *
* If syntax-coloring does not work, download and install      *
* overlay-fix.el from the semantic web site.                  *
*                                                             *

* The JDE's Java code has been enhanced to speed lookup of 
  qualified class names and project switching. These
  changes require version 1.2.2 or later of the JDK. Thanks
  to Eric Friedman.

* Automatic parsing of Java buffers now reparses only that portion
  of a buffer that has changed whenever possible. This should
  speed up reparsing of buffers after most changes. Note that
  this change requires semantic 1.4beta10 (or later). Thanks to
  David Ponce.

* This release uses a new algorithm for determining when to reparse a
  buffer. When the buffer is modified `jde-parse-buffer-changed-hook'
  check the auto-parse timer to see if the auto-parse task is about to
  be triggered (< 2 secs). If so it delay the triggering of
  auto-parse (+ 10 secs) to let you finish typing before doing a
  re-parse. And so on. Thanks to David Ponce.

* This release fixes the `font-lock-add-keywords' problem reported 
  by Klaus Berndl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. Thanks to David Ponce.

* Completion methods now places the cursor in between parenthesis
  when the method contains parameters.

* JDEBug does not split the frame in 3 windows anymore.

* JDEBug does not retrieve the local variables and the stack
  information by default.

* Adds the commands jde-bug-toggle-local-variables and
  jde-bug-toggle-stack-info. The first command enables retrieving the local
  variables while stepping using JDEbug, and the latter enables retrieving
  stack information.

* This release adds a set of customization variables intended
  to facilitate switching from one version of the JDK to

  - jde-jdk-registry
    Specifies the versions and locations of the JDKs installed on your
    system. This variable determines the set of legal values for the
    jde-jdk variable (see next release note).

  - jde-jdk 

    Specifies the location and version of the JDK currently 
    being used by the JDE.

    The customization buffer for this variable displays
    a set of radio buttons that reflect all the registered
    JDKs on your system. You can thus switch from one registered
    JDK to another simply by selecting the button of the desired

  - jde-java-environment-variables

    Specifies the environment variables that specify the default
    location of the current JDK. The default names of the variables

* Adds the command jde-get-jdk-dir. This command returns
  the root directory of the JDK currently targeted by the JDE.
  The target JDK is the JDK specified by jde-jdk variable,
  of if this variable is null, by the jde-java-environment variables,
  or if these are not defined, by the PATH 
  environment variable.

* Adds a new command, jde-java-version, that returns the
  version of Java being used by the JDE. This command returns the
  version specified by the jde-jdk variable, or if this is not
  defined by the JAVA_VERSION environment variable, or if neither
  of these are defined by  the "java.version" property of the 
  vm used to run the BeanShell.  Note that in the latter case,
  executing this command causes the BeanShell to be
  launched if it is not already running.

  Future versions of the JDE will use  this command to adapt
  to differences among JDK versions, for example, to set 
  JDK-version-specific command line options required to 
  launch a process in debug attach mode.

* Completion methods now shows the exceptions that the method
  could throw.
  Thanks to Petter Måhlén [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

* Adds a Beanshell-based "compile server" for compiling
  Java programs. The compile server uses the same Java compiler
  as javac but it uses the Beanshell to invoke the compiler
  instead of starting a new vm just to do the compilation. This
  avoids the vm startup time that accounts for most of the time
  spent by javac on compiling a class. The result is lightening
  fast compilation of your classes. To use the compile server
  instead of javac to compile your classes, set jde-jdk-directory
  to the root of the JDK that you are using to develop your project
  and set the variable jde-compile-server on.

  Thanks to Javier Lopez.

* The JDE->Help->JDK command command now looks for the JDK doc
  at jde-jdk-directory/docs/index.html if it cannot find the
  doc at jde-jdk-doc-url. The command now also checks for the
  existence of the doc locally or on the web and errors out if it
  cannot find it.

* Added customization variable jde-complete-signature-display-time,
  allows users to choose for how long to display the signature of the last

* Adds customization variable jde-complete-signature-display, allows
  to choose what display to use to show the signature of the last completion.

* Adds jde-complete-display-current-signature command.

  This command displays the signature of the last completion. 
* Fixed compile buffer fontification problem caused by 
  copying global post-command-hook into local post-command-hook
  in jde-mode-internal.

  Thanks to David Ponce.

* Adds jde-stat-loc-report-directory and jde-stat-loc-report-project.
  These commands generate a report showing the number of code, comment,
  javadoc, and blank lines in all the java files in the current
  directory and subdirectories respectively. Note: These methods will
  kill any buffer containing a java file contained in the current
  directory or subdirectories. 
* Redefined jde-db-debugger to permit selection of three
  debuggers: JDEbug, new jdb, and old jdb.

  Note: you need to update all project files that use this variable.

* Redefined jde-compiler to allow selection of the
  following options: javac executable, javac server,
  and jikes executable.

  This paves the way for providing explicit support for jikes and
  various versions of javac.

  Note: you must update any project files that customize this variable.

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