John Shott writes:
 > JDEE Afficionados:
 > I seem to be unable to get JDEE 2.2.8 to startup properly when running Xemacs
 > 21.1.13 on Solaris 8 and am hoping that someone can help to diagnose what I
 > have done wrong.  While I probably have some sort of a configuration problem,
 > I can get JDEE running on the same machine with GNU emacs Version 21.1.1. (We
 > want to be able to have users use JDEE without arguing about whether GNU Emacs
 > or Xemacs is better ...).  When I fire up xemacs (with the same .emacs file
 > that works for GNU emacs)
 > it seems to get far enough to get the "Java" menu item ... but never gets the
 > JCE, Classes, or Senator menu items added.

Did you recompile the JDE, using XEmacs? Emacs and XEmacs use
incompatible byte compilation formats.

- Paul

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