Ralph Meijer wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:18:15PM +0100, Ulrich Staudinger wrote:
> > I agree, another top-level element is not very hany and somehow disrupts
> > the order in xmpp. I suggest to set up a jep about this and putting
> > <location> in presence.
> IMHO (again) this context information doesn't belong in the presence stanzas.
> Not everybody wants to receive this information, and the gabber hack for
> conveying music information is not nice either, in retro-spect. Again:
> publish/subscribe.

IMHO i think pubsub doesn't suit this scenario. There exist many
scenarios for Pubsub, but this scenario, calls for some sort of presence
enhancement, since the location of a person is an elemental part of
his/her physical presence in a room. Of course i agree, the gabber hack
isn't very polite either. 

Another argument against pubsub (in this case) is integrity. The
integrity of users and clients in this environment and in this scenario
is based upon the acceptance of a location element, transmitted in some
way. All users can only benefit from this system if a user doesn't have
to willingly subscribe to such a location tag. 

My four cents


> > beside this, it is definitely a cool project! :)
> Sure thing!
> --
> Greetz,
> Ralphm
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