Hi Asmund,

thanks for your feedback!

regardings your suggestions:

1. i fixed the threshold in the latest release
2. the pattern is a pattern for your executables (valgrind will be called 
for each one of them). In the latest release i improved the naming and 
added a short description (but actually the overall documentation needs 
some work...)
3. i added a description to each of the runner options (including the 
actual valgrind cmd line option). Beside those options, the valgrind call 
is pretty straight forward: 
"valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full --xml=yes 
--xml-file=outdir/foobar.memcheck foobar"
Its planned to expose a lot more valgrind options in a later release.

If you have a bug report or a feature request you can file an issue in the 
official jenkins bug tracker (jira): 
https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/secure/Dashboard.jspa (just select "valgrind" 
as component).
If you don't have an account or for any other feedback, just drop me a 
mail: johannes.ohlemac...@googlemail.com


Am Montag, 14. Mai 2012 11:09:08 UTC+2 schrieb asmundo:
> Hi Johannes,
> I have used your plugin for some days. It has already been of GREAT use! 
> We have fixed multiple memory issues already.  I have some 
> _minor_ improvement suggestions. 
>    - Jobs states changes to failed when a job has 0 Valgrind issues 
>    and thresholds are 0.  I can work with this but I would have expected 0 
>    issues 0 threshold to be ok. 
>    - For the Valgrind runner I suggest a that you add a help text to 
>    understand what "Pattern" is. I do not know what pattern is in this 
>    context. I am guessing it is Valgrind option --trace-children-skip 
>    or --require-text-symbol but I do not know.  
>    - My Valgrind run setups require environments and other processes 
>    started so I am mostly not able to use the runner. But knowing what 
> options 
>    that is set by the Valgrind runner is of interest for replication in my 
>    setting. If this was added as help text to the runner I would be replicate 
>    it.  
> Where should I add feedback like this? 
> Regards,
> Asmund
> -- 
> PS. I am dyslectic sentences  so ask if anything is unclear!
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:07 PM, Johannes Ohlemacher <
> johannes.ohlemac...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hello Asmund,
>> i just released version 0.5 of the plugin and its already available via 
>> update-center.
>> Required Jenkins version is now 1.424 (1.409 failed to build with 
>> maven2...).
>> I hope the plugin works for your project setup and is useful to you, 
>> feedback is highly appreciated :)
>> Johannes
>> Am Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012 12:49:11 UTC+2 schrieb Johannes Ohlemacher:
>>> Hi Asmund,
>>> nice to hear there is some interest in a valgrind plugin.
>>> It just happened to require 1.455 because thats the version i am working 
>>> and testing with, but as Ulli said its a really good idea to downgrade that 
>>> to a LTS version of jenkins.
>>> I will do that, run some tests and make a new release (with some other 
>>> small changes) over the course of the day.
>>> Johannes
>>> Am Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012 09:44:02 UTC+2 schrieb asmundo:
>>>> I have been hoping this should be created! On [1] it states that it 
>>>> needs Jenkins core 1.455 is this actually needed?  I ask because my 
>>>> production environment is 1.445? I may consider upgrading Jenkins just 
>>>> because of this plugin, but I would prefer not to.
>>>> Regards 
>>>> Asmund
>>>> [1] https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Valgrind+Plugin
>>>> On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 4:14 PM, Johannes Ohlemacher <
>>>> johannes.ohlemac...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>>>> hi,
>>>>> i wrote a jenkins plugin to run valgrind on executables and collect 
>>>>> information about memory leaks and errors.
>>>>> Its in use for some of my other projects since a couple of weeks and i 
>>>>> would like to share it with the jenkins community.
>>>>> github ID: eXistence
>>>>> github rep: git://github.com/eXistence/valgrind-plugin.git
>>>>> greetings,
>>>>> Johannes

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