We have some bot which comments in JIRA when a commit relating to an issue appears in the trunk continuous build. This is fine and well, but I have for one have never wanted to know this.

What _is_ important is when the fix lands in an official (weekly) release. Users frequently ask this [1] but it is awkward to find the answer. The changelog [2] should say, if the committer remembered to update the changelog, and you know to click the “Upcoming changes” link.

If you have a source checkout you can use

---%<--- ~/.gitconfig
  which = describe --contains

to get a clue where a change appeared, though only after the release tag is made. And even for those who have the source checkout, this is an annoying context switch when you are reviewing historical issues.

Much nicer would be if some bot would add a simple comment to JIRA after the 
release is published:

  This fix is in Jenkins 1.502.

and link to the changelog. This would be clearly visible in the issue history, 
and send notifications to watchers. Anyone capable of making that happen?

[2] http://jenkins-ci.org/changelog

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