
I'm trying to set up a build pipeline. Therefore I have one job (pipe
starter) which monitors a repository for source code changes, and two
identical matrix jobs (priority and regular build) which build the
repository in different chroot environments. The priority matrix job gets
triggered by the pipe starter job via the 'Parameterized Trigger Plugin'. I
use the 'restrict to subset' option to build in only one environment
(combination of ubuntu version & architecture).
After a successful priority build I would like to trigger the regular build
job to build the repository as well in all left environments.
Now my question: Is it possible to get the triggering combination filter in
the priority job, negate it and use if as subset filter for the regular
build job? Maybe with a groovy script? Or exists already a variable which
holds the filter? Or has someone an other idea or solution to get this

Thanks in advance!



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