I had a prototype created using 1.4a and trying to port to 1.4b3, but went through slightly tough time
in porting the code to 1.4b3 as I had done some good amount of customization changes to jetspeed 1.4a templates.
The velocity templates has a lot of macros coded in it and any changes to the templates for customization
heavily affects the upgrade to new version. wondering what is the general opinion on this.
Another one , wondering how the content management tools will deal with Velocity templates now as it looks
not a clean tag oriented template.
Lastly we observed the velocity templates are consuming more time in some areas while rending the page.
- Shan
At 11:37 PM 1/29/2003 -0500, Andrew C. Oliver wrote:
I have been using Jetspeed since November. I had no prior Turbine knowledge and Velocity knowledge was limited to editing a couple templates during contribution to site documentation.
The best way to do it is to just do it, dive in, make it work. As you do it write documentation. Submit it as patches. You'll find others will correct them and expand upon them. In the end, the documentation is improved and the project improves. Your understanding improves and your time investment is limited due to the contribution of others.
Or at least that usually works for me. (BTW, thats kinda part of how I got that @apache.org address)
Lucky guy! Write a book about it and share your knowledge - struts books we have enough!
BTW, since your mail ends with apache.org - how much and how long are you involved in
jetspeed / turbine? I am since 4 days and don` t think jetspeed is one of the
"vanilla" frameworks to understand in a few days.
"Andrew C. Oliver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
29.01.2003 14:33
Please respond to "Jetspeed Users List"
To: Jetspeed Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc: Subject: Re: JSP vs Velocity
I found turbine pretty easy to deal with myself.
Hi, I think the popularity could be much better if the underlying turbinewouldnot be such a high learning curve. With turbine 3 it may be much better, since then people can bet on horses, which they already know (especially EJB). IMHO, What also could give jetspeed a real boost is if it wouldrelyon struts(*) - but I guess that is impossible, since turbine has its own mcv-model ... (*) maybe struts does not have such a sophisticated mvc model asturbine,but it definitively has much more familiarity and pervasion (just lookatall these struts books and articles). for me it is a quasi-standard for web-based mvc. Kris --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]--------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]--------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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