Hmm... That's an interesting approach and I'll look into it. However, this should be able to just work without interaction by the user. The project I am working on requires this functionality with no outside interaction. The username and password in the environment needs to be used, automatically, as the username and password for BASIC authentication in the IFrames.

Is there no way to get a RunData object from within the getSource() method? Seems to me that every method in a portlet ought to have access to that via something like a getRunData() method. Why pass a bunch of methods a RunData object as a parameter when it could simply be gotten at any time with a getRunData() method? Or was that already thought of but since it is the way it is, the interface can't be changed? Am I going to have to hack at the source to enable this capability?


At 04:20 PM 3/6/2003 -0600, you wrote:

I think that you can somewhat achieve this by declaring 'username' and
'password' parameters for your portlet and then set the 'source' parameter
as follows:
https://${username}:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myapp/myservlet. Of course,
the user would have to customize the portlet to provide their credentials.

Best regards,

Mark Orciuch - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jakarta Jetspeed - Enterprise Portal in Java
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jacob Kjome [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 3:54 PM
> Subject: obtaining User object when overriding the IFramePortlet
> getSource method???
> Hi,
> I'm wondering how I might obtain a handle on the JetspeedUser object
> when overriding the getSource() method of the IFramePortlet?
> The reason I need this is so that I can grab the logged-in user's
> username and password and send that info along with the URL that is
> configured via the .xreg file in order to provide BASIC authentication
> information automatically to the app running in the IFrame.  So....
> <portlet-entry name="MyPortlet" hidden="false" type="ref"
>     parent="IFramePortlet" application="false">
>     <security role="turbine"/>
>     <security-ref parent="user-only"/>
>     <meta-info>
>         <title>My Portlet</title>
>         <description>A custom example IFramePortlet</description>
>     </meta-info>
>     <classname>com.mycompany.portal.portlets.MyIFramePortlet</classname>
>     <parameter name="source"
>         value="";
>         hidden="false" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
>     <media-type ref="html"/>
>     <url cachedOnURL="true"/>
>     <category group="Jetspeed">frames</category>
> </portlet-entry>
> Then in the overridden getSource() method of MyIFramePortlet, I
> grab the current
> source defined in the config (above).  After that I need to, somehow,
> access the User object so I can do getUsername() and
> getPassword().  It would look something like this...
> public String getSource() {
>     String source = super();
>     if (source == null) return null;
>     int index = source.indexOf("https://";);
>     if (index == -1) {
>         index = source.indexOf("http://";);
>     }
>     if (index != -1) {
>         String user = runData.getUser().getUserName();
>         String pass = runData.getUser().getPassword();
>         String beginStr = configSource.substring(0, index);
>         String endStr   = configSource.substring(index);
>         StringBuffer buff = new
> StringBuffer(user.length()+pass.length()+source.length()+2);
>         source =
> buff.append(beginStr).append(user).append(":").append(pass).append
> ("@").append(endStr).toString();
>     }
>     return source;
> }
> The end result of all this would set the source for the IFrame as
> something like...
> https://myusername:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/myapp/myservlet
> For the above to work, though, I need some way to get the RunData
> object or another object which provides access to the User object.
> Is there any way to make this work?
> Jake
> --
> Best regards,
>  Jacob                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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