
I have a problem with the updating of my .xreg files, especially with my 
I have modified the database-browse-portlet and tried to register my new modified 
portlet in the local-portlets.xreg. This was no problem at all, but now i want to 
change the sql statement in this new portlet-entry. This seems to be a big problem.

First I can't recognise a change in the portlet, when i save the modified 
local-portlets.xreg. How can I "refresh" the view?

Second if I restart the whole tomcat (to be sure to see my changes), my old 
local-portlets.xreg is restored as if I've never changed it. So the portlet also 
doesn't change in any way. Even if I delete the whole local-portlets.xreg the file 
appears after a restart of the tomcat again.

I've no idea how to solve this problem.
Thanks for any help!

My portlet-entry in the local-portlets.xreg:

<portlet-entry name="Edia" hidden="false" type="ref"
        parent="DatabaseBrowserPortlet" application="false">
            <description>Simple Test Database Browser by Edi</description>
        <parameter name="template" value="edis-database-browser-portlet"
            hidden="true" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="customizeTemplate"
            value="database-browser-customize" hidden="true"
            cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="action"
            value="portlets.browser.DatabaseBrowserAction" hidden="true"
            cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="sql"
            value="select newsdate, newscontent from news"
            hidden="false" cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <parameter name="windowSize" value="5" hidden="false"
            cachedOnName="true" cachedOnValue="true"/>
        <media-type ref="html"/>
        <url cachedOnURL="true"/>
        <category group="Jetspeed">database</category>

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