Hi Ender,

I hope it's ok that I cc'ed you because your post was already a month old.

I'm using jetspeed with ldap and would like to be able to store user data in more than one node of the ldap-hierarchie. The goal is to have a tree with nodes representing different organizations, each one storing a number of users. In your post you wrote that authorization used to be
possible for the whole tree, but not anymore ( currently only for "ou=jetspeed,o=apache").

Here are my questions:
1. Is there a quick workaround to enable authorization for the whole tree?
2. If not, when do you think that this feature will be supported again?

Many thanks,

Ender Hikmet KILIÇOÐLU wrote:

> [...]
Authorization is possible for all tree. (Note that original implementaion which is first commit on cvs is also tree compatible but some commitment removed this feature. next release will contain this feature also).
So For domino you need only to setup necessary ldap connection properties and give mappings for anon user and template user (turbine)
No ldap updates for domino because we investigated many corruption on test case with updates.


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