Hello all,

The topic of adapting Struts to be a portlet framework compliant with JSR-168 was 
discussed earlier. I remember that some of you were interested in contributing to such 
a project. Now is the opportunity. One of the goals of the next generation of Struts, 
Struts 2.0, is "Transparent support for a portlet environment (JSR 168)". Development 
for Struts 2.0 has already begun little by little. Here is the roadmap page for Struts:
Please scroll down for the part that is titled "Struts 2.0.x" and then the part under 
it that is titled "Portlet (JSR-168) Whiteboard". Struts committers are seeking out 
the help of others to make suggestions and improvements to these initial development 
stages of Struts 2.0. Jetspeed developers and users can be especially useful in making 
sure that Struts 2.0 addresses the needs of portlet developers. You can do this by 
sending your feedback to the Struts committers. Here is what Craig McClanahan wrote 
about building portlet support in Struts:

"One approach to dealing with it has (in fact) already begun -- in the 
"contrib/struts-chain" subdirectory in the CVS sources is the beginnings 
of a refactoring of the standard RequestProcessor based on the "commons-chain" package 
in the Commons Sandbox.  If this actually works, 
two really good things might be able to happen: 

* It'll work for both servlets and portlets (you can see how the command 
implementations are being abstracted so that the chain will just do the right thing 
for each environment). 

* It is likely to be backwards compatible with Struts 1.1 as well, possibly with some 
restrictions yet to be discovered. 

The best way to get involved would be to check out CVS sources for both jakarta-struts 
and jakarta-commons-sandbox, become familiar with the code 
referenced above, and start making suggestions and improvements.  A really good 
starting point would be portlet-specific implementations of all the 
commands that currently have only servlet-specific implementations. "

I would recommend anyone who is interested to give feedback to the Struts committers 
on the struts-dev mailing list.


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