I did log out and back in.  It still does not work.  I did not shut down 
the WebSphere Application Server and restart since it is in production.  I 
did not replace the whole psml yet.  I am hoping to find a more definite 
answer before I suggest to try that. 


"Jeremy Ford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
11/20/2003 02:09 PM
Please respond to
"Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Re: How to add back a closed portlet in admin security pane

Just out of curiosity, have you logged out and back in.  Also, shutdown 
tomcat and restarted?

Also, have you tried replacing the whole psml with an original one?

Jeremy Ford

>Reply-To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: How to add back a closed portlet in admin security pane
>Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 13:47:10 -0800
>I compared the psml in question and the one on the system that is
>functioning correctly.  They both have the same parameter for the
>         <entry id="350" parent="SecurityForm">
>             <parameter name="_menustate" value="closed"/>
>         </entry>
>I think the parameter "_menustate"  value="closed" tell the portal that 
>porlet is not open until certain action is initiated.  The difference is
>in the list of porlets when you click on 'customized' graphic button
>associated with 'security' pane.  There are 13 portlets including
>'security', which is the last one on display, for the correct psml.  The
>one that is causing problem only have 12, missing the last one 'security'
>portlet.  This 'security' portlet is associated with the "SecurityForm" 
>the registry.
>I think the problem will be fixed if I can add the 'security' portlet 
>to the psml but I can't becasue the 'add portlet' is disabled for that
>layout.  Any suggestions?
>"Stuart Belden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>11/20/2003 11:17 AM
>Please respond to
>"Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Re: How to add back a closed portlet in admin security pane
>I'm shooting in the dark, not having ever used the security browser, but
>this might get you started:
>The file you need to change is under
>You should see a <portlets id='302'> tag.  That's the Security pane. (the
>portlets tag that contains <title>Security</title> is the one you want.)
>In that portlets tag you should find these two entry tags; I'm guessing
>that since you clicked "close" you'll be missing one or both of these:
><entry id="345" parent="SecurityBrowser"/>
><entry id="350" parent="SecurityForm">
>     <parameter name="_menustate" value="closed"/>
>The id's may be different in your file; the Parent attribute is the one
>you care about.  Add either missing entry tag.  If you have both, I'm not
>sure what to tell you. :)
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/20/03 01:06PM >>>
>Thanks for the response.  I am not using dbpsml but I did tried exporting
>the psml on the file system.  There is no "portletstate=closed".  Is this
>information save in the default hypersonic db?  How can I change that in
>hypersonic db?
>Let me describe what I did so we are on the same page.
>1.  sign in as admin
>2.  click on 'security' pane
>3.  click on 'security browser'
>4.  pick one of the security policy then click on the corresponding 
>graphic button
>5.  click the 'close' graphic button on the portlet title bar
>Now, when you are back to the 'security browser', pick one of the policy
>to edit.  You can't get to that page which allow you to edit the policy.
>Is there a way to restore that back?  Thanks for your help.
>"Stuart Belden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>11/20/2003 05:32 AM
>Please respond to
>"Jetspeed Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Re: How to add back a closed portlet in admin security pane
>Probably the easiest way is to export that psml, remove the
>"portletstate=closed" portion, and re-import it. (obviously you only need
>to export/import if you're using database psml).
> >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/19/03 05:37PM >>>
>I accidentally closed the porlet while I was in the edit security policy
>portlet, inside security pane, security browser as admin.  How can I add
>that portlet back?  I tried to add portlet back the normal way but the
>'add portlet' button is disabled.
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