> <<It's like the phrase "night
> watch", or keeping watch in the night.>>
> This is really a great little discussion...now I'm more inclined to side
with this opinion. I've never heard of a "pornographic watch" anyway, except
maybe for a pocket watch which opens up to expose some dirty picture or
something. Surely a priest would not wear something (even a wrist watch)
that is openly pornographic.

I've never actually seen or heard of a pornographic watch either but I don't
think it's important whether or not there actually is such a thing.  I think
the simile Joni is trying to draw is of someone who says they are immune to
wanting something but constantly takes covert glances at and secretly covets
that something.  A wristwatch is not something you can see on another person
very easily unless you come up close to it.  And if it's hidden by a sleeve
it can't be seen at all.  So Joni's 'priest' or supposed celibate takes
furtive looks at this carnal image on his watch and probably gets a chubby
from it.  The parallel is to the artist who claims that fame & fortune is of
no interest and not the least desirable, that the art is all that matters &
the money & notice would corrupt that art.  But secretly this artist wants
the wealth and the adulation.  He or she may live in an attic & wear second
hand clothes but the desire is still there and occasionally visible in their
expression or attitude.

Anyway that's what I think & that is what I said!

Mark E in Seattle

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