> > to mean that
> > he isn't wearing his clerical collar,
> The first Joni lyric that really intrigued me was: "He was wearing his
> father's tie." Did he actually borrow his biological father's tie that
> morning? Or is she referring to the Roman collar, his God as Father
> "tie", that priests wear? It could be either I think.
> Wasn't there a discussion a while ago that "The Priest" was about
> Leonard Cohen? (That was a surprise to me.)

I think it was Pat 'Sire of Sorrow' who posted about this song and Leonard
Cohen.  Part of the connection I believe was in the name 'Cohen' which means
'member of the Jewish priestly class descended from Aaron' according to
Random House Webster's College Dictionary.  There was also some connection
to 'his father's tie'.  Or maybe that was 'your father's gun' from 'Rainy
Night House.'

I think if Joni meant the subject of this song to be a Roman Catholic priest
she would not have chosen the word 'tie' as opposed to 'collar'.  A RC
priest's collar bears little or no resemblance to a tie, imo.

Cohen's music often combines religion and sexuality.  There is a Cohen song
on Judy Collins' album 'Wildflowers' called 'Priests' that someone else made
mention of in connection to Joni:

And who will write love songs for you
When I am lord at last?
And your body is the little highway shrine
That all my priests have passed
That all my priests have passed

My priests they will put flowers there
They will kneel before the glass
But they'll wear away your little window, love
They will trample on the grass
They will trample on the grass

And who will shoot the arrows
That men will follow through your grace?
When I am lord of memories
And all your armor has turned to lace
And all your armor has turned to lace

The simple life of heroes
The twisted lives of saints
They just confuse the sunny calendar
With their red and golden paint
With their red and golden paint

And all of you have seen the dance
That God has kept from me
But He has seen me watching you
When all your minds were free
When all your minds were free

And who will write love songs for you
When I am lord at last?
And your body is the little highway shrine
That all my priests have passed
That all my priests have passed

My priests they will put flowers there
They will stand before the glass
But they'll wear away your little window, love
They will trample on the grass
They will trample on the grass

So make of that what you will!
(And then there's 'Sisters of Mercy' but I won't go into that one now.)

Mark E in Seattle

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