Joni related a story of Judy leaving her on the stoop waiting
> to be picked up for the Newport Jazz fest back in the day.  Judy never
> up Joni, and then called her from the fest to tell her about it.  Joni was
> clearly miffed and displayed some of the Scorpionic sting in this article,
> but my recollection is very sketchy.  Does anyone know about this story?
> Joni and Judy friendly these days?

I've read this story too and kind of held it against Judy in the same way I
held Rickie Lee's remarks about Joni against her for a long time.  Very
silly of me in retrospect but at one time anybody who spoke or did anything
against Joni was unworthy of my notice.  Hopefully I have learned a thing or
two and grown a tad bit since those days;-)

As far as I know Joni & Judy are on good terms these days.  Somebody on the
list actually had an email from Judy expressing her admiration and respect
for Joni.

Mark E in Seattle
np:  Albatross - Judy Collins (I love this song)

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