Mark wrote:

> I think it was Pat 'Sire of Sorrow' who posted about this song and Leonard
> Cohen.  Part of the connection I believe was in the name 'Cohen' which
> 'member of the Jewish priestly class descended from Aaron' according to
> Random House Webster's College Dictionary.  There was also some connection
> to 'his father's tie'.  Or maybe that was 'your father's gun' from 'Rainy
> Night House.'

I read portions of a book once that discussed Cohen's stint as a monk, but
cannot recall the title.  I looked over at and in the Bio
section it mentions his time at a Zen Buddhist retreat in Southern
California in the early 90s which would make that phase of his life
subsequent to Joni's song.  However, as many have noted, he made his
"saintly" allusions way back when, so I am open to the "Priest" song having
some connection to him.  He is a brilliant, brilliant man.


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