> but I am enraged anew every day becauuse the man I love is a fucked up
> victim of clergy abuse of children, and I can see all too clearly, as I
> have for years, all the ramifications of what happens when a priest
> tells a boy that sex is bad, that sex is sin and evil, that Father says
> let me give you a massage, let me suck your cock, you little evil child,
> you seduced me, suck me, you little evil thing, it is your fault, I am a
> man of God and you damned little child corrupted me with your beauty,
> damn you to hell, and just wait until I get my hands on you after the
> next mass...

Unfortunately, this is what happens to victims of abuse-they are blamed
-made to feel it is their fault. because it happens in childhood, the
feeling of badness never really goes away, the feeling or responsibilty, of
shame, is always there and it takes continuous effort to counteract it. It
rears it's head in even the most ordinary of everyday situations. To give
you a silly example, but one that brings it all back: I recently paid a lot
of money for a new machine. It didn't work as it should-it was faulty. I
returned it, fearful of the rection. I need not have worried, they replaced
it. However, they replaced it with a new machine that is even more faulty
than the first. Now I feel afraid. Of waht i am not sure. I have returned
the machine but no one was there but a receptionist. So far I have not heard
from the company. i have sent 2 faxes. I have asked that they credit my Visa
for the amount I spent as I do not want a 3rd machine. I have the law on my
side. yet I feel guilty. I feel bad and more so I feel afraid. Thus I send
faxes and won't speak on the phone. So far no response which increases the
fear. I am aware that my feelings about this are not logical. they are not
adult. They are not healthy. I am trapped in the 'they are adults and
treating me badly and it is my fault' syndrome. And this after years of
therapy! It never goes away. However, I accept it as part of my life, as
part of me. It could have been much worse. i could be dead or still in a
locked ward(as I was in my late teens). And believe it or not, I go thru
very similar feelings all the time with the list mail! I feel guilty
eveytime I share an opinion. I feel bad just writing this. So i don't
express myself clearly and come across as someone I am not. Fear and shame
are always a part of the interaction. I often dread looking in my Joni box.
.  But I don't let it stop me. I have to live. That is the best revenge
there is. Living well despite them.

As for the RC church. No it is not just an American thing. We have the same
things going on here. In Eire and in Wales. In fact the exact same situation
as in Boston with the bishop. there are calls for a Welsh Bishop(or whatever
rank he is) to resign. He KNEW a priest was abusing children. he protected
him and allowed the abuse to continue. there is reason to suspect the Bishop
himself was abusing.

All abuse of children is about power. The affects are the same regardless of
the societal positon of the adult. It is tempting to think that abuse my
priests, yteachers, ect is worse. It cannot be quantified like that.  The
only thing that makes affects worse, is the duration.


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