Lori in MD wrote:

> Oh my, Colin!  When I first read the subject of your post, I thought,
> "Spanking the monkey?"
> Well, I guess it's related.  Sort of.  ; )

It emans the same thing and i was aware of that, it fitted in my mind.

> Lori,
> who personally thinks pedophiles should be shot and is willing to sign
> up to do so ...... hell, I'll even bring my own gun!

I understand your feelings. But his would make it far worse for
children. It would force them even more to keep there secret. If they
know that telling could result in the death of their abuser, they would
keep quiet. And if not, or if the secret was discovered by other means,
and the absuer was killed, the added guilt and shame on the child would
be intolerable. Children feel enough guilt, shame and fear as it is when
they report, wothout that being added to their burden.

> ~
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