All this discussion of 'pornographic watches' ,
especially the discusion of the priest being Leonard
Cohen, got me thinking once more about something I've
pondered from time t time:

We are all aware I'm sure of Joni's reputation for
writing confessional lyrics.  But, do we know for sure
that her songs are true and/or about her own life
experiences? I may be way off base here, but it seems
to me that Joni would be perfectly capable of writing
fictional songs.  A lot of discussion has centered
around who a particular song is about.  When I read
these posts, I always think 'how do we know they are
about anyone?'

Is there a definitive source for this? Has Joni
mentioned in interviews that  particular songs are
based on real people and experiences?  If not, how can
we be sure they are 'true', or at the very least, not
composites of several events/persons?

Anyone have opinions/comments on this?
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