"Mary E. Pitassi" wrote:

> Colin wrote:
> "You are right. But peodohilia is not an unhealthy 'sexaul outlet'. It is
> about
> power and shame and fear and guilt, not sex.:
> Colin, I don't claim to have nearly the insight into this subject that you do,
> unfortunately,

I would say forunately!

> but it seems to me that pedophilia is ALL of the above: power,
> and shame, and guilt, and fear, all brought together in the guise of an
> unhealthy, and horrific, sexual act.

yes. tho sex is not it's primary aim.

> At any rate, let's hope that the Roman Catholic Church finally gets its act
> together on this issue, even if it means that ordinary parishioners simply
> refuse to further support "business as usual" with their church attendance,
> volunteered time, and financial contributions, until they see firm evidence of
> a change

One of the reasons it won't work like this, and why, as Bob wrote, the
congregation supoported the Bishop, is beacuse it will be far too painful for many
to see the flaws in the Church they rely on. It is why many people deny that there
parents were anything but good. Facing truth means haveing to change one's whole
world view-change the very foundations our lives are built upon. If one's life
revolves around a  Church that is good and holy, if our security is based on that,
then to accept otherwise is going to be extremely painful and shattering. Thus
people avoid it and and deny it. That is what denial is all about. It is about
keeping our meaning structures intact for without them, we risk annihilation of
self. the real alternative tho is to examine our meaning structures and change
what needs to be changed in them, with strenght and courage, and thus avoiding the
annihilation we so fear.
Speaking of annihilation of self, that is what child abuse does. It annihilates
the self of the child.(it is also the basis of torture and mind control practised
by govts and some religions). A perosn with no sense of self is very easily
controlled. They also have no real life.
It is so strong a need, to keep the self intact, that this is why people are
willing to die rather than give it up. Thus people will lay down their lives for a
cause or die rather than give in to those who try to break them. unfortunately,
the self of the abused child is destroyed before it has properly developed. There
is evdience to show that this is not recoverable from. that certain things, like
destruction of trust, is not ever gained back. This does not mean that we cannot
live good lives, just that it will never be what it could have been. This
annihilation of self also produces the people society hates, psychopaths and
sociopaths, and society takes no responsibility for prodcuing such people,
prefering instead to label them as evil(instead of their behaviour), and to blame
it on their genes.

Other then the 'normal' abuse that goes on in soctie's family homes, we are
stroing more and more trouble with the results of war, the horrors that children
face daily do result in dysfuctional people.

we reap what we sow.


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