Tyler, this is a subject that sometimes pisses people off around here and so
I'll try to flameproof myself in advance ;-)

> Is there a definitive source for this? Has Joni
> mentioned in interviews that  particular songs are
> based on real people and experiences?  If not, how can
> we be sure they are 'true', or at the very least, not
> composites of several events/persons?

The general answer is that she has sometimes identified a specific person,
sometimes indicated it is a composite and sometimes said it is up to the
listener to take their own individual meaning from any particular song.  She
has voiced not liking to have songs attributed to a specific person but then
she has gone ahead and identified the person herself sometimes.  There are
many sources for what she has voiced one way or another - in the articles in
the JMDL database, in books and in live performances over the years that
have been preserved on tape.


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