Tyler Hewitt wrote:

"We are all aware I'm sure of Joni's reputation for
writing confessional lyrics.  But, do we know for sure
that her songs are true and/or about her own life
experiences? I may be way off base here, but it seems
to me that Joni would be perfectly capable of writing
fictional songs.  A lot of discussion has centered
around who a particular song is about.  When I read
these posts, I always think 'how do we know they are
about anyone?'

Is there a definitive source for this? Has Joni
mentioned in interviews that  particular songs are
based on real people and experiences?  If not, how can
we be sure they are 'true', or at the very least, not
composites of several events/persons?"

I don't doubt for a moment that Joni is capable of writing "fictional" songs,
or at the very least, basing her work on composites in her life.  And I'm sure
she's done both.  But it also seems to me that an artist's own life can make
him or her more sensitive to certain nuances or issues, so that his/her work
may end up having a distinct autobiographical slant to it, even if no such
thing was intended.  It's all a matter of the prism through which one sees the

Case in point:  two nights ago, I sat down to pay bills to the sounds of "Song
to A Seagull" (or "Joni Mitchell":  take your pick!).  This is an album I
first heard nearly twenty-five years ago, and thought I knew  well.  However,
something about listening to it on that particular night, in the stillness of
my apartment, and knowing what I now know about what Joni was experiencing at
the approximate time  those songs were written made me see her lonely,
unplanned pregnancy and the relinquishment of Kilauren splashed all over this

"Marcie's sorrow needs a man. . .
Think back to summer and hear how he tells her, 'Wait for me' "  --"Marcie"

"Another man reached out his hand,
Another hand reached out for more"
--"Nathan LaFraneer"

"A dream that you love someone
A dream that the wars are done
A dream that you tell no one but the grey sea
They'll say that you're crazy
And a dream of a baby. . ."  --"The Dawntreader"

"I call to the seagull
Who dives to the waters
And catches his silver fine
Dinner alone
Crying, where are the footprints
That danced on these beaches
And the hands that cast wishes
That sunk, like a stone?"  --"Song to a Seagull"

It just about ripped my heart out.

Mary P.

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