colin wrote:
> i am perplexed as to why you brought up the 'priests should be allowed to marry'
> thing. (of course they should be) Having married preists will not stop child
> abuse. Peodophilia is not something one does for lack of an adult to do it
> with.(I am sure you know that hence me being perplexed).

Yes, I do know that. My thought is that if marriage (i.e., an intimate
sexual relationship, including same-sex relationships) was part of
Church leaders lives, then all aspects of sex would be more open, and
the abuse could not have been hidden for so long. The Church leaders
can't even accept and talk about the healthy adult aspects of sex, so
it's no surprise they couldn't deal with the abusive behaviors either.
They are forced, finally and too late, to deal with it now.

Plus, if priests were allowed to be in "real" relationships, they would
no longer be seen as odd creatures who are supposedly above the desires
of human life, and people in the pews would no longer automatically
assume that whatever Father says goes. (I don't understand why people
ever follow blindly, but unfortunately many do.)

Also, as Mary mentioned, if marriage was allowed, theoretically more men
would be willing to become priests so the emotionally and sexually
immature ones, the men most likely to become abusers, would not be
accepted for training.

All of that is why I brought up the idea of married priests as something
that needs to be discussed and, without knowing the extent of the
horrors going on, has been discussed for a long time by parishioners and
some priests too. The pope and his appointed bishops have not been
willing to be part of the discussion.

Debra Shea

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