First off - what an incredible bummer, Victor!!! I
really hope something much better comes along. And, of
course, my condolences go out to Ric.

So, my news is that the cancer has returned. (not a big
surprise to me, since I've been in pain since the
surgery last October.) BUT, it appears to be again
localized, and in exactly the same place as it was
before. So, if I pass all the blood tests, ekg, scans,
etc., I'll be starting in a study in a couple of weeks.
It's a vaccine that uses a protein that's found in 95%
of all tumors. They've had an 85% success rate in the
lab - but that may or may not translate into a
comparable success rate in actual practice. Basically
it trains your immune system to attack the cancer
cells. The study's duration is 6 months - so I expect
to be at JoniFest.

So, believe it or not, I'm not as worried or depressed
as one might assume. (but I'm grumpy today because the
FDA says I have to have a CT scan and I hate having to
drink all the contrast dye - yuck!)

Just keeping you all updated, since you've been so
incredibly supportive to me. I really love this big
"family" of ours. And the recent Joni discussions have
been terrific!

lots of love

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