I've been in this boat, Victor and it really shits.  You gave yourself the
best advice.
"I'm not going to let this lady fuck up my life."


Best always,

-----Original Message-----
Victor Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 11:59 AM
Subject: Bad news(njc)

 I showed up to work this morning and was told, pretty abruptly, that I
was being let go because "it wasn't working out."  This really pisses me
off because from the beginning I have been busting my ass and have been
completely committed, despite being brought into a situation that was
really disorganized and somewhat dysfunctional.   I feel like I have been
used and discarded, and have been given virtually no compensation (she
handed me an enveloped with $100 dollars that is a little more than one
days work.)   I even went out of my way to tell all my friends in Atlanta
about an upcoming arts festival this weekend that they're supposed to
have a booth at, and was trying very hard to promote it to anyone I could
think of.  Meanwhile, my so called "employer" is looking at a state of
the art Mercedez van, that she plans on purchasing next week.   Maybe
this is a blessing.  I'm probably better off not working for this lady
who seems rather selfish and manipulative.  I got completely fed up there
one day the other week but I told myself I'd reserve my frustrations and
make the best of the situation but I guess I won't have a chance now. I'm
very happy here and absolutely do not want to move again.  This just
completely caught me by surprise though.  I was putting all my effort
into this place and now I have to once again find some employment.  I was
going to start focusing on putting a dead/or neil young cover band
together and start seriously working on recording a new record and I'm
still going to dammit.  I'm not going to let this lady fuck up my life.
in shock,Victor.  --- Victor Johnson--- [EMAIL PROTECTED]"Roses
wait for the springtime,They sleep beneath the ground.They hear March
winds a callin'For the spring to come around."vlj Visit

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