--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> So, my news is that the cancer has returned. (not a big
> surprise to me, since I've been in pain since the
> surgery last October.) BUT, it appears to be again
> localized, and in exactly the same place as it was
> before. So, if I pass all the blood tests, ekg, scans,
> etc., I'll be starting in a study in a couple of weeks.
> It's a vaccine that uses a protein that's found in 95%
> of all tumors. They've had an 85% success rate in the
> lab - but that may or may not translate into a
> comparable success rate in actual practice. Basically
> it trains your immune system to attack the cancer
> cells. The study's duration is 6 months - so I expect
> to be at JoniFest.
> So, believe it or not, I'm not as worried or depressed
> as one might assume. (but I'm grumpy today because the
> FDA says I have to have a CT scan and I hate having to
> drink all the contrast dye - yuck!)
> Just keeping you all updated, since you've been so
> incredibly supportive to me. I really love this big
> "family" of ours. And the recent Joni discussions have
> been terrific!

Oh Anne. I am reminded in this tender moment of Victor's comment about
this list being our diary, our place to write, to share, to be. Thank
you for picking up the pen and letting us know your sad news. Anne, I
admire you so much for your courage. You are the phoenix, rising up
once again. Strong, beautiful, resilient, our precious jewel. Know that
Brian and I love you dearly, we cherish you and the bond of friendship
we have nurtured. I want you put that necklace we gave you in your
hands, hold it close to your heart and remember what it means.
Translated from Hebrew, Chai means life. That is our wish for you
beloved Anne, we wish you life. 

Imagine yourself in the centre of the jmdl circle, all of us now, our
arms around you, holding onto you, holding you up, we are right there
beside you.

you are not alone. ever. 

sending you tonnes of love and strength, now and always, in all ways,


You open my heart, you do. 
Yes you do.
     - JM
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