Oh boy, here we go.  Fred Simon said,

>>But sound, and the emotional/musical effect of sound, is made of
... lots and lots of information, and the finer the resolution of the
expression of that information, the deeper the emotional content of what is
imparted. A synth's chips can hold only so much, and the sheer amount of
nuance present in, say, ten seconds of a real acoustic or electric guitar
performance would quickly fill up and overflow even the largest ROM/RAM
blocks in the most high-end synth.>>

I remember being amazed, AMAZED at how much more detailed my first (and
last) guitar sounded than recordings of much finer instruments did on my
home stereo.  Too bad I couldn't play.  heh heh  I have to laugh to keep
from crying.


 "I am La Tuneless.
  Pity me."

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