>From http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44390-2002Apr24.html:

VATICAN CITY, April 24 -- After two days of private meetings with Pope John Paul II, 
leaders of the U.S. Roman Catholic church called for changes in church law to speed 
the removal of priests who molest children, but stopped short of urging a blanket "one 
strike you're out" policy.

In a communique, the 12 American cardinals and three senior U.S. clergymen who 
gathered here proposed expedited procedures to defrock any priest who "has become 
notorious and is guilty of the serial, predatory, sexual abuse of minors." In less 
egregious cases, church leaders told reporters, a bishop would have discretion to seek 
a quickened expulsion if he felt there was a future threat to minors.

I can't say I'm surprised, but ... Goddamn it.

Listening to this morning, I heard an interesting comparison from one of the abused:  
in the case of a bank robbery, we don't hold off prosecution to see if the perpetrator 
is a serial robber, or was just drunk and did it only once.

It appears to me that the Pope, et al, find it acceptable for a child to be sexually 
abused "just once."  What a bunch of fuck heads.

Lori, really angry
in MD

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