Welcome, Ruth, and thanks for coming out. Please continue to pipe in - I'm sure you 
have lots to say, and fresh voices are always great to hear.

You said:

<<Add to that her disgust with the current music scene and music industry, and I can 
understand why she is not doing any really groudbreaking work these days.   She is, 
after all, human.  >>

And I'm a bit disgusted with her disgust. When I see folks who have been at it as long 
as she has (Dylan, Elvis Costello, Neil Young, Bonnie) still out there, loving it, and 
doing great quality work, it doesn't shed a real positive light on her. I mean, why is 
the marketplace suddenly an issue for her, when she's always just followed her muse 
and done what she wants?

Anyway, I think your points about LK & Kilauren were right on, I think she uses the 
Music business as a punching bag for the things in her life that are screwed up. Not a 
diss on Joni for that, either...we all do it in our own way.


NP: Keb Mo, "Mommy Can I Come Home?"

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