Bob Muller writes:

<< I'm a bit disgusted with her disgust. When I see folks who have been at it 
as long as she has (Dylan, Elvis Costello, Neil Young, Bonnie) still out 
there, loving it, and doing great quality work, it doesn't shed a real 
positive light on her.  >>

Hmm. I was surprised to read such a provocative point of view from such a big 
Joni fan, Bob, but as I have been digesting these words over the last hour or 
so, I have to say that I am inclined to agree with you. 

In Joni's defense, I think that one thing the four artists you mentioned have 
which she seems to totally is a real love for live performance. And no matter 
what happens in the music world, Joni does have her box of paints to slip 
back into, so music isn't her sole means of expression. But you have a point, 
I think, about her disgust with the music business. After all the recent 
accolades and awards -- and after decades of worship by the likes of us! -- I 
would think that maybe she might have lightened up a little by now (even if 
the music biz itself does seem to be getting worse than ever lately). 

Also . . . welcome, Ruth! I enjoyed your post -- especially your insight into 
the Klein/Kilauren influence on Joni's creativity.


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