Bob wrote:

> LOL! Thanks for going to all the effort to type that up, Kakki. I know how
much work that can be. >I really enjoyed reading it.

Maybe I'll tackle another one when I get a chance - these old stories are

> Y'know, Joni could easily go on a story-telling tour if she just wanted to
sit down, light up & start >yakking she could fill halls all over the world
I'm sure. Yet another career possibility! ;~)

Ha!  She absolutely could - just stock her up with a whole carton of
cigarettes and she could spin yarns all night!

I was chuckling that Joni was so talking the California Valley Girl talk 30
years ago!  All the liberal uses of "like," "you know," and "really."
Surprising that she picked it up after living here for just a few years.
Reminds me how my proper east coast mother used to always be trying to
(figuratively speaking) beat that talk out of me!  I'd bet Myrtle might have
had the same reaction when Joni came home to visit ;-D


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