Mia wrote;

<<<I have a question regarding the picture on the cover of STAS. This has
driving me crazy for years! Does anyone know when and where this picture was
taken? And what is she holding in her arms?  It almost looks like a teddy
bear.  And could those be maternity clothes?>>>

One would assume the photo was taken in NYC (just) before the release of the
album in March '68, during that winter of '67/'68. If you could get access
to NYC store records dating back to then you could work out the exact
street, (I've had a quick search to no avail). The sign on the right says;


A teddy bear? Could be - it looks like one of those furry hot water bottles
albeit a tad on the large side; though what would that round knobularesque
cylindrical thang be protruding? Curiouser and curiouser. As for the
maternity clothes - I see what you mean here too; tho' wasn't she pregnant
in '64? This would mean the photo was taken long before the release of the
album, which of course is possible.

Have a great weekend!
Willy the Shake

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