<<I have a question regarding the picture on the cover of STAS. This has been 

driving me crazy for years! Does anyone know when and where this picture was 
taken? And what is she holding in her arms?  It almost looks like a teddy 
bear.  And could those be maternity clothes?>>

Hi Mia, and a belated welcome to you!! The photographer, Mark Roth, was 
interviewed by Wally Breese in 1997. I read the interview a long time ago, so 
I don't recall if he answered these questions specifically, but it's a great 
read, I DO remember that:


Hopefully this won't discourage the thread/discussion, but rather help to 
flesh it out a bit.

Also, I wanted to say that your comment about The Priest in reference to her 
marriage to Chuck was very astute. I never thought about that but it 
certainly works.

Now that you've used your voice here, keep it up!


NP: Cornelius, "Bird Watching at Inner Forest"

PS: As synchronicity would have it, I have a box of very cool stuff heading 
your way this very day! ;~)

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