> >>For some reason, I was really curious about this duck.  Now I know where
> he was going. Victor<<
> Where was the duck going going Victor? Makes me think about Tony Soprano &
> his ducks...but I digress...

I think now that it was really a premonition that I should leave this
place(job) and sail off on my own..."sail right out of here" because for
some funny reason, it really did make a big impression on me at the time,
but I didn't have a clue as to why...I only knew that something about this
duck really struck me and seemed unusual.

This isn't the first time I have had a weird bird experience.  Two years
ago I was warned by a bird that my dog was going to be hit by a car.  I was
sitting on in the backyard with my then roommates, drinking some beers and
reading, talking and suddenly this bird came out of nowhere and just
slammed into my chair.  The bird lay still stunned and did not move.  I
found a little twig and tried lightly poking the bird and he did not
respond.  He must have lain, not moving, for over a whole minute, which
seemed like a long time.  Then he suddenly got up and flew off into the
sky, disappearing into the heavens.

That night my dog Andy got out and was almost instantly hit by a car.  I
went outside and found him lying on the street and he did not move.  He was
still alive but barely.  I lifted him up and we put him in a car and my
roommate drove to the emergency clinic.  He died on the way.  I have no
doubt in my mind that this bird was trying to let me know what was going

I think there are always signs like this if you look for them.  I don't
think you are necessarily going to know at the time what it means and I
don't think that is really the intention( ie. to give you a chance to
prevent something from happening) but rather a way of letting you know
afterwards that it is okay, that it is all in sync with the universe, and
to perhaps make it easier to accept some things that you really want to
question why?

I guess that brings up the question, are things predestined to happen and I
think in a way that we cannot really comprehend, everything is woven into
the web of life, which only seems to be linear to us but in actuality, time
is only an illusion, a measurement like length or depth, and has no more
real significance in itself than length or depth or distance from one point
to another.  So if you forget a moment about time, then you are left with
all the things that happen to you just existing in the present moment and
it is only an "optical" illusion that an event is being "predicted."  

At the same time, I don't think everything is necessarily carved in stone,
or laid out like a train track.  I think there is always an infinite number
of possibilities, and that people can act in unison with the universe and
the fabric of life or they can go completely against it, creating
dissonance, such as someone like Mark David Chapman, who shot John Lennon. 
An act such as this seems to jar all of existence and rip into the fabric
of life, changing the world forever.  

Okay, this is way too philosophical for so early in the morning...


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